Monday, February 7, 2011

Back to Skewllllll

Back in Delaware now. I finished the paper laptop and mouse for Dan and it came out pretty sweet. I used a bright orange contrasted with a white screen and yellow keys to really give it some pop color. I think he liked it.

On Saturday they took us out to an Australian fish and chips place where I ate shark and got to drink as much as I wanted for two hours with a wristband. It was sad to leave knowing I might not see some of those guys again but hopefully I can maintain some sort of relationship with everyone. I'm already planning on going to Toronto to see Andy, the British intern, at some point early next summer. Connie will be in NYC til March so maybe we'll do something too before she heads back to Chile. I hope that Dan, Andre and Jon realized my potential as an illustrator while I was there and hopefully I can do some work for them in the future. Until then its back to school and projects and building my portfolio. Last semester in Delaware and I plan to live it up. I'm taking classes with two teachers I havent had the chance to yet until now which are Dave Brinley and Troy so I am pretty excited. Peace out blog.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sculpt Paper and Drive Hard

Today I updated my website, found my hard drive broken and got assigned a new project. Thank god because the Jersey Shore animation was killing me. So even though tomorrow is my last day, I have to create a to scale mac laptop and old school mouse... using nothing but construction paper. The idea is to create the them in the style of Thomas Demand, an artist who replicates entire rooms using nothing but construction paper. When I am finished, Dan or Andre is going to photograph them and use them for some kind of card or poster. As I finish the pabst blue ribbon in my hand I can already see the mouse in its completion and it came out pretty damn good. I'm not really in a rush to start the laptop today and think that I'll just work on that all day tomorrow.

Sucks about my hard drive though. I had a lot of work on there that wasn't backed up.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today I delivered a package to West 57th where I ran into a friend from high school by chance in the same building I was going to. The package was addressed to the tenth floor which is BET. It was a pretty cool experience just to be in there. Then I got chipotle and it was sweet.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Last Minute Ideas

#1 Pretend interview with each of the characters separately that would have taken place before season one. I would record myself asking questions and then have my characters respond using soundbites from the show out of context.

#2 Pauly and Situation stand on a street corner as various characters walk by and they repeatedly decide whether they are DTF or not. (example: real life image of condoleeza rice's head on a cartoon body walks by... 100% DTF)

#3 Cutting footage together from real Jersey Shore interviews with serious political interviews to create a parody and disregarding my cartoons altogether.

New Thoughts

Today begins my last week at DressCode. Dan got to take a look at my animation so far and he had mixed opinions. He didn't think my cooking scene was funny and he disliked the head bobbing technique I have been using to make my characters talk. However he thought my "dreams" scene was funny and that's really all I got from him.

So... since feedback is so scarce when you're an intern working for two guys who have their hands full with other projects, I have to take Dan's suggestions and try to move forward. With one week left I should be able to produce at least one more clip, get rid of the head bobbing and maybe even have a fresh take on the whole thing. I have some ideas bubbling write now which I will take the time to write down...actually nevermind they are sending me on an errand to pick up postcards off West 4th.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Home Stretch

Been snowed in for the past two days and today I could finally make it into work. I was full of energy and got a lot done, including a whole new scene about Snooki's dream guy...

I hope to show Dan and Andre my progress Monday morning and then finish strong in my final week interning here. Its been great so far and I've learned a good deal of stuff from animating to running your own business.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mini Explosions and Bobbing Heads

Since I forgot to blog yesterday I figure I'll start off today with one. Well yesterday I completed my first scenario of the animation so now I have the intro scene, and scene one. I learned more about after effects and downloaded some free explosion quicktimes that I was able to place into my timeline.

After watching the completed scene over and over I' begining to realize that the bobbing head method I am using to make my characters speak is kind of annoying. I need to find a way to make it more fluid and less distracting to the viewer.